User login
Here is how to join MOHAA with volute.
- Go to Volute website:
- Download Volute software
- Click in the top right on the website to: Register
Fill in your e-mailadress, Username, and make a password, then press sign up
(Maybe you will get an e-mail to confirm your e-mailadres)
- Login to Volute website with your Username(not e-mailadres) and Password
- Click on the button on website and choose: My Account
There you will find the information you should enter in Volute Software
- Open Volute Software
Volute Settings:
- Fill in your User-ID (red arrow)
It shows on the website top right
-Fill in your personal API Key (blue arrow)
It shows under Api-Key, click on the eye to reveal your personal API-Key
Mohaa Settings
- Press Browse in Volute software and choose MOHAA.EXE on your computer
Server Settings:
- Put in the server ip:port (For LuV server):
- Put in your Player name next to the connect button
- Press Connect and Volute program will take you to the server
- Play
- In the game you can press F7 for the Volute menu.
Make sure you don't have any Mods, Cheats, Costum Maps/Skins in your MOHAA folder.
When Volute says that your MOHAA is not clean. You can download a clean MOHAA full game(english) from (