guys and girls,
as i see for the last few days, our TDM server on cod4 is totaly empty...
we need to change that...
It was full before, like 14 players or more.... now those numbers are big 0.
please guys and girls, lets make a bit more effort to make our TDM alive again.
it is not like mohaa servers that you need to be 24/7 online, just few days so that people see that someone is in the server so that they join too...
Im glad that i help
Its going great now guys!, thanks to stormlight wardog and hotwire that trying to get the servers active by being in spec... it really works, the tdm server looks like its living again!!, great job!
I am sorry everyone... I am the one that published that post and I am the one that is the least active... I am just more concentrated on the university than anything else ...
again guys come on!!!! icant keep up with all the servers on the same time by myself....
I think that cod4 members should try to make these servers active because this game is the future of our clan or at least focus on one server for now.
we have 5 servers on COD4 (TDM, deathrun, zombie, gungame, custom) and only gungame is the most active by itself without us.... the rest are empty
I got it then good luck I wish I could help you
yeah true, but where are our dedicated cod4 players?, all playing deathrun now?
most of us yes... and rest when they see that the TDM server is empty they probably wont join.... i am bored now of deathrun so i will try to make it active in the evenings...