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Tell us your mohaa story/memory
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Sarinha's picture
Last seen: 3 days 16 hours ago
14 - Sergeant 1 Star (S2)
Joined: 01/09/2017 - 02:48
Points: 485
Tell us your mohaa story/memory

Do you have an interesting mohaa story or memory you would like to share with us? Smile
I have 2 Blum 3

When I started playing mohaa and was still learning the game (still am), I was using my brother's nickname, maybe I haven't come up with one yet or we shared a pc, don't really remember...
Well one time I was playing and someone asks on server "Packonita turned noob?" I was in shock lol, and I think about this from time to time.
Wished I remembered which player said that, I only told my brother years later lol

I have met 2 mohaa wallhackers, not on purpose of course...
Back in the old mohaa prime days, my mum and stepdad decided to rent a room at home,
It was a couple that actually met through mohaa, not only that they were wallhackers, although I'm sure she only become one after meeting him, she also loved to watch me play mohaa lol.

drip's picture
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Joined: 07/07/2024 - 13:07
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1) this one is actually similar to Sari xD I learned to play by watching my older brother play and I used to sneak onto his computer when he wasn't around and play as him!
2) I have been part of three clans in my time: AoW (Army of Wolves), NT (Notorious Thugs) and LuV! I never actually left LuV but I stopped playing for a while and I felt silly putting my tags back on after being absent for so long!
3) Also like Green, I reaaaaaaaaaally miss the old MOHAA days when you would play clan matches and thre TDM servers were super busy!


Green Machine
Green Machine's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 59 min ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 5 Star (LUV4)
Joined: 10/18/2016 - 12:17
Points: 1765

Nothing really interesting that I can remember Biggrin

When I first started playing MOHAA online I went to play on XXX clan server. They only ran Omaha Beach. I was running around like crazy with a shotgun. People where cursing at me all the time and calling me noob. Still don't know why. Maybe I was good, or else was doing something wrong Blum 3

I liked the time where we would play the whole night untill sunrise and playing wars against other clans weekly. We had a lot of really active players and Slimey was still playing. Sometimes clanmembers would meet in real life in Maastricht, to eat and drink. Was great to meet Raymond(Killingstorm), Michelle(CallOfBeauty), Peter(Retep). For me those years where my fav MOHAA years.(so far). I miss those times.

“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”