Hi All,
My game name is zer, or at least that's what I'm using on your LuV server. Been playing MOHAA for 5+ years now and happened to have played against or observed gameplay of some of the best.
Infact last night I watched twitch stream from Slimbips and it was really entertaining. Thanks for that Slim. It feels really easy to play with a ping < 50. Just saying
Anyways, I've Dell Laptop with Intel GFX (builtin) which requires opengl32.dll file to play the game. Using opengl32.dll automatically removes fogs from all maps. This is known throughout the MOHAA community and is accepted as such. For this very same reason PacRac (ETT clan) has removed fog server side from all the maps. I just thought I should mention it in here to keep my side fair.
Luv is a good clan with gr8 CL. Talked to him couple of times on TS and he sounds really cool person. Good going and happy shooting.
Cheers from zer.
hi all
u r a greatest player I played withim and clan
luv is good friend good helper good administration
so go ahead m8
I well take look twitch stream
Ah Jammal, thanks for the kind words. I am just an average player but I am experienced and LuV MOHAA because thats the only game I play, lol. To be honest the greatest MOHAA player that I learned FT from was BSWN (or BotySawsRodNas) from Poland. Too bad he was banned from many servers even he when he played with mohaac.
See you around
the part that he says that luv has a great cl i totally agree, the the rest i didnt read
Hi ZER, how are u buddy? I really liked it playing again with you yesterday. Hope to see you soon buddy.
Watch out for nades
Aha, so have to watch out for Modaa-san and Zer with sniper.))
Good to know and see You on the battlefield.)
Worry not Slimmy, I'm just an average player
Thanks for your kind words.
Heey Zer :),
Yeah that no fog is a realy shitty problem, and no clue why it removes fog, removign fog from all maps i did some weeks ago but its not realy fun to play with.
if u want to play fair with no fog.. dont abuse it the map crossroads, for the rest its not that important.
livestreaming mohaa is cool, but it brings a little bit lag for me tho :(.
we missed u allready on ts dude... so dont be shy to join us again!.
greets slim!
hi zer
me too i don't have fog in maps. I used many versions without any addition. i have also to use opengl32 to open the game without crash. i don't know if that all players who use opengl don't have fog like us. thanks for sharing this information