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Minecraft Improvment
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Entropy's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
12 - Corporal 2 Stars (C4)
Joined: 05/22/2016 - 23:50
Points: 378

I can't remember when i first joined the server but its probably going to make a year or so soon (maybe it has already, dunno) and in the beginning i don't remember ever seen or even need an admin in the minecraft server... Some months ago it was discussed that we needed some admins and if you recall I first said that we don't needed them and that if we get some admin he shouldn't be a "player" (because power corrupts bla bla bla...) Later some people started to come and to destroy stuff, now that's a terrible thing, the server really took some damage and admins really became required... Atm, with the protections we have that can't happen anymore has the admins have to give permissions for people to be able to interact with the world, so admins have mostly a doorman role now.
Regarding an Head-Admin, i don't see the purpose, Slim and Stormyy have always done that role very well.
As for ranks, I assume that we all are equal in there, all in good faith for building a nice and beautiful virtual world, no need to rank us...
What we really have to decide is what policy we want for the server, do we want it private (closed) almost as it is now, or do we want it really public? Either way I'm favorable to the idea of having the building protection stuff that was mentioned. If we go public, then probably we need either admins that are "on call" or more admins to deal with the eventual odd "wannabe-griever"...

- Entropy (Artafinde)

Modaa's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 3 Star(LUV3)
Joined: 12/21/2014 - 17:18
Points: 933

and the main spawn point should someone make it safe build something in it and put instructions, rules and maybe the url of the website 

Modaa's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 3 Star(LUV3)
Joined: 12/21/2014 - 17:18
Points: 933

and last thing allow people to play without tags only with register and if there are hackers they cant destroy anything is protected and also there are already admins on server

Modaa's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 3 Star(LUV3)
Joined: 12/21/2014 - 17:18
Points: 933

ok slim that's nice and also a plugin to sleep separatly in survival because if i want to sleep for any reason i should tell all people on surival to sleep with me 

Slimbips's picture
Last seen: 41 min 9 sec ago
=|LuV|= Supreme Leader (LUV5)
Joined: 06/25/2015 - 19:46
Points: 10544

the slim server (the normal minecraft) will stay normal whatever happens, i will add protected buildings and that random people cna play, but i will never add any plugin like if u die u get your stuff back rigth away etc. thats more like legal cheating.
stormyy create an creative server there u can playh with all the cheats on if u want, but the one stays like it is, but will ask stormyy to install the protect buildig stuff becease it needs alot of config wich i cant do.

Knox's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 5 Star (LUV4)
Joined: 02/24/2017 - 04:10
Points: 1086

Then that admin would only appoint plugins necessary for the server gameplay 

P.S I dont know who ales is

Slimbips's picture
Last seen: 41 min 9 sec ago
=|LuV|= Supreme Leader (LUV5)
Joined: 06/25/2015 - 19:46
Points: 10544

the scay thing is, that if i give someone admin, ales is always tryign to convince the admin to install all kind of stupid plugins etc all the time.
and everyone falls for it, so i prefer to do it ourselfs so the server keeps as it is

Modaa's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 3 Star(LUV3)
Joined: 12/21/2014 - 17:18
Points: 933

slim we need a plugin to protect buildings and make other people play on server without tags just with register in order to the server be active and more people come and play with us 

also a plugin to sleep separatly in survival

Knox's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 5 Star (LUV4)
Joined: 02/24/2017 - 04:10
Points: 1086

It wouldn't be people having access to the config file it would be just 1 person. That person would be in charge of the Minecraft and only give Permissions/Ranks to the people who earned it and if he/she trusted. Theres a difference between Mods and Plugins. and the Plugins wouldn't get too crazy. EVERY server needs admins. we just feel Minecraft isn't getting the attention it needs and its not your fault or Stormys. We thought this would be a better idea because its one less thing for you or Stormy to do

Modaa's picture
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
=|LuV|= Legend Gold 3 Star(LUV3)
Joined: 12/21/2014 - 17:18
Points: 933

i agree with you we need someone to install necessary plugins, set ranks and permissions for each rank. if it is possible that slim write the criterions that can make anyone a clanleader and trustworthy.

this a list of people who play on minecraft server :

Anna - Alex - Vtec - Joker - Gunner - Artafinde ( Entropy ) - Modaa - Mustard - Brandy ( knox ) - roman ( banned poland) - hedwig - Tegcall - Teko - Oomebolle - Laky - Joey 

i write the names i remember now and some of them didn't play for a while
