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Sarinha's picture

Thank you GG (I went on volute website to make a clean installation, but still got the same message) and Fofinho (that's true, but we already know that) Blum 3 , guess i'll have to make a discord account then as I deleted mine.

Green Machine's picture

idk, I am noob
If you have Discord... go to:
Under community you can see channel: Support
You can open a ticket there.

“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”

Mr.GG's picture

Have you install some mappack or so now in the days ?

Sarinha's picture

Does anyone know why I get "suspicious process activity" when I join the game with volute?
Obviously I know that I'm clean, but when I try to join the game I get this message and then my game closes automatically.
I tried to install the game and volute again, but still get the same message.
If I wanted to hax I wouldn't use volute lol

Slimbips's picture

Hello Mate Smile

3elwa's picture

Good evening

Mr.GG's picture

Good evening 

Legion's picture


Belindo's picture

Good midday

"I don't know who you are and what you want. What I do have is a particular set of skills I have acquired over a long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. I will look for you, I will find you... and I will kill you."

Legion's picture

Good night