Hi guys,
Currently were modifing the deathrun mod of our server. I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions for the server. This can be changes to the mod or map additions. Do note maps will not be added without a download link.
Kind regards,
now its time for u guys to help us keep it going!!!, invite eachother for a game!
vip akarnak kapni de nem adnak nem lehetne meg oldani valahogy
oh i want to make a new forum talking about the same topic, but we have one here i see ( i joined cod4 after that forum) and there is a lot of previous worthy comments to take into consideration.
so from over a month I’m playing in death run server everyday with Zware^ and found clan members are not interested in this server, but server now fetch more and more and every player play in it says it's a good server so I see that server needs more caring to be better.
there is some maps which a lot of players asks for it to play and we don't have it so there is a maps link
also we should change rotation coz it have a lot of bad maps (bad to play everytime)
cod 4 main page if possible to put our logo in bg or something and maybe in dr xp meter to put some color for swag. And some new characters skins for players if you manage to find.
How about adding All our Cod4 servers for the cod4 main page?
ie: Join our Death Run - TDM etc.. instead of join Z3 or summet like there i think it says
Something like this?
Kind regards,
Oh yes.. thats better
City and woods should totally be added best maps back when i started in dr lol
Why am I <u>Mr. Pink</u>? <br />
Because you are a faggot alright?
When people are in ghost mode and admins spawn all people in ghost dont get spawned. SHould change so they do get spawned
More ingame commands like giving plays guns (because vip is the only one we can give so when they have no gun and cant knife they shoot with that gun and easily kill
Usage of Insertions on freerun
Ingame esc menu layout improved
Free Trifle for Knox
More sprays plus a spray that says "Knox was here" and a luvclan logo spray