User login

let me in pleaseee
  • Posted on: 26 February 2022
  • By: NightAngel
Ingame name: 
NightAngel {swe}
How did you find this site?: 
through medal of honor allied assault, ofc (◔_◔)
Do you use Teamspeak?: 
Why do you wanna join =|LuV|=?: 
idk, just for funsies ^-^ please let me in 0-0
How often do you play?: 
I understand that i cant be in another clan when joining luv: 
My Games: 
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Legion's picture

welcome NightAngel !!  Smile

Eternity's picture

Very welcome, new LuV sister!! 

Green Machine's picture

Welcome to the clan NightAngel, have fun Wink

“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”

Slimbips's picture

Welcome to the club Angel!

ToastHampter's picture

Great to hear, Welcome to the clan!

ToastHampter's picture

Great to hear, Welcome to the clan!

Mr.GG's picture

She is full member now. 

ToastHampter's picture

hey NightAngel. welcome to the LuV website.
I didn't saw u on the server, yet i'm excited seeing u play.

Good luck and have fun Smile

Mekkie's picture

Welcome to LuV NightAngel

Slimbips's picture

No correction needed Smile

Kwik's picture

anyone can join as long as they respect the rules.
this will be the Tag for you, slim correct me if i`m wrong
=|LuV|= NightAngel {swe} |Trl|
enjoy the game Smile

Slimbips's picture

Yeah u can start a 2 weeks trial with us if the rest also agrees :), be sure to be play clean and be nice, luvclan is a loveclan we "try" Blum 3 to be nice and cool always! Wink 

Good Luck!

Mr.GG's picture

Hejsan Night .Daughter of Nightwish i guess .I vote on yes ,you play fair and clean enough for me .Let see what Green and the other say
But välkommen till luv website .