Hello guys i searched about a way to manage the server and i found some useful plugins that can help you for instance the owner can make some ranks and then put for every rank some commands to use. there are also plugins to prevent creative players from taking items to survival by placing items in chests or death or build with expensive blocks. other plugins to prevent griefing and protect buldings chests in the game . i will put some useful links check them.
ok any day i will add more plugins
Maybe sunday ill have to organize smth for cod4 today
ill look at this on saturday
there are important plugins here to protect land and buildings first you need to install woldEdit
( make only trusted admins who can use it )
and then worldGuard https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldguard here is a link for details http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard
and finally i found a plugin for fun to install a map for the server on the website and you can chat with players through website https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/dynmap.274/
we allready are runnig that
stormy take a look
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