Guys, I am now completely fed up with the lack of admin help coming from GEREMIN.This isnt just a one off, I have found him to completely ignore any requests I have had for him to come spec and deal with very obvious wallhackers, and this has been happening from the day and hour I ever joined LuV. I have witnessed, in the past, other players requests from him and he just completely ignores them and eventually leaves. Today, both myself and Mccannio spotted a wallhacker and Geremin just refused to answer! Now, maybe he doesnt deliberately ignore players requests and just doesnt see them, but, if this is the case, why is he an admin??????????????
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Non Interested Admin
Simple answer there Krystynka, Don't be a "fucking" admin then!!!!
btw. i personaly dont read chat when i play cod. i am not in the library i shoot ppl. good rule: shoot first, ask later. + whining on the chat is sometimes so annoying that even when you are an admin you just pretend you are not
+ sometimes we just want to play the fucking game not to check people if they are cheating.
Women are Angels. And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly... On a broomstick. We're flexible like that.
i have to admit i also just gave people that i trust admin... not becease of their adminskills but just becease their activity and trust, its always better than none admin was and is my oppinion
this happens all the time men, on every server in every clan, apparently there are ppl who simply dont look at chat, ive spammed myself and thru console trying to reach someone only to be met with uncomfortable silence so i know how that feels :d
thats y our admens are allowed to use undercover names - just so ppl dont disturb them and hax doesnt get away
The point I am making is the lack of response from the said admin player, absolutely consistently no reply whatsoever, something I have never found from any other admin.I dont expect an admin to bann someone just on my word but the least they can do is either, go to spec when requested or tell me to fuck away off!!
Kirby, Im assuming that whatever you are talking about happened a long time ago as I have no recollection of your accusation and I have played with you many times, course, thats not saying its not true and if it is,then I humbly apologise, but what I am referring to now is a fact not an opinion!
in my experience the bigges problem with admins is that they ban people at the meoment someone is accusign them... without speccing they trust everyone and start to ban or dont wanna take time to spec........ if i see these cases i remove admin.
mohaa ist that crowded anymore and with bad admins we lose alot of good players
we also have more admins that keep an eye out and that i trust.....
like light_uk says.... best thing is to get another admin and take some time... if u cant take the time for it u cant be an admin.
Zer, you are def one of the very few to witness Geremin banning anyone for cheating, lol, as I say that , he once banned me for swearing about cheaters while leaving the cheats alone! Anyway, my main point was not just the banning of a player but ,to at least acknowledge when other players want his attention,I mean, it states clearly on the server "Please do not accuse, ask an admin to come to spec"! But what if admin is ignoring not just you but other players too? Happens too many times!
PS. love to know how you play in a very dodgey way?????????
Tbh, Geremin is a good admin. I've played against him some times (with a differnt name) in very dodgy way but he never once accused me. On the other hand I've witnessed him banning many cheaters.
Maybe what was an obious WH to you was not that obvious to him.
Just my two cents.
all sensible members should have the tool to kick cheats, but still takes 2 in spec to be sure,
Tbh Slim, I do already know what being an admin is like as I spent many years being one in several servers,and yes, it is a pain in the ass but I like to think that if a fellow clan member asks you for help that you can at least reply with something even if it is a "piss off Im concentrating on the game" reply! But when u are completely ignored, as seems to be the case with the said admin on a regular basis then I just dont understand why they are an admin! Im having problems with installing files into my main folder that is why I cant run alphamac at the moment so I am assuming I wouldnt be able to install admin tool either until I reinstall mohaa which, tbh, I have been too lazy to do, but will get round to it and will quite readily take up the mantle!