Hey everyone
For reasons I cannot qwork out my ping fluctuates from 25 (my standard) to 250 when the server is busy i.e. more than 15+ people. I'm the only one on the server having this issue. Nothing else is running on my laptop (which is in great condition + excellent specs).
Any advice?
what kind of fps do u guys have when sett to unlimited?
the game crashes for me at 3500 fps
“If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.”
I also have problems with spike lagging when it's more than 24 on the server and I think it's because bazooka is used together with all the grenades and it lags, it's always been like this with this game since it came out. Would love to see it tested to run without a bazooka and max one grenade when there are a lot of people on the serve
Thank you again Slimmy <3 it worked a treat!
seta rate "30000"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta com_maxfps "125"