I just got into the server, typed my login and notice i have no items, no equipment no nothing (just a block of sand that i picked up just now...) Any thoughts on why? This is kinda terrible :s
My character was where I left it last time and it didn't die meanwhile as I retain my XP...
User login
Where are my items? oO
28 April 2017
Where are my items? oO
cool stormyy nice to see u made entro happy again
Well, thanks to Stormyy © I have all my enchanted stuff back
Thanks mate for taking your time remaking those items, i would have taken a very long time to replace all that in the game and the bow was itself unreplaceable! Now I have the will to play again :>
Yes, they are still missing... Do you have any idea why? Is this a known bug?
Entropy are your items still gone? If so contact me when your in the server
maybe but guys anyone help entropy give him his tools and xp again to make them i am witness that he had all mending tools and armor
Thats looks like a creeper explosion someone repaired in a hurry...
I found also this part of my castle when i logged in yesterday it was gravel dirt and fences and i found all stones and the buttons up the doors are not existed
I hope slim or stormy help you or give you your items again specially these mending tools
@Modaa, my internet usually is not very slow, and I've been there a few minutes, logged off and on again, i hardly think that slow internet is the issue here...
@ Baatus, I guess its possible but they would have to know my login password to be able to mess with my items... The server logs should have record of my last login...
Is it possible someone logged in with your name? I know this was possible in the early days at least......